You’re balding and becoming depressive about your hair? Try this homemade remedy and watch your hair grow back!
Hair loss or balding has been a major problem for both men and women for centuries. Women just can’t bear picking up the lost hair all over the house. When a man sees that his father is bald, they start worrying that they’ll also go bald. That’s because baldness is genetic, but luckily sometimes, it can skip one generation. Nonetheless, this is a problem that causes hypochondria, depression, complexes and a lot more emotional problems.
Millions and millions of cosmetic products promise a solution, but in the end, they always fail. However, while all those chemicals in these products fail, there are completely natural ingredients that can actually help you with hair loss. If it’s genetic, then this remedy will at least slow the losing process. If it’s caused by some hormonal or other health problem, this remedy solves it in just 7 days.
Balding and becoming depressive? Check this remedy out!
But you’ve already tried everything, right? Don’t lose your hopes. Try this one, and see how your hair growth slowly improves. At first, you’ll notice only one or two hairs growing up, but after a while, they’ll start growing like crazy! This remedy also makes the hair shiny and strong!
Ingredients, preparation and method of use
You need one egg yolk, half a banana, 100ml of beer and 2 tablespoons of honey. That’s it! Now, put these 4 ingredients in a blender and blend until you get a super smooth, even mixture.
This remedy should be applied on the bald areas, where you see hair lost. You should leave the remedy on for few hours. Remember, if you see redness and itching or the area becomes hot, it means that it’s working. Don’t worry, it’s not a side effect. Let this become your new weekly routine: repeat it every week, no matter which day of the week, and enjoy the amazing results and your new hair!