The Truth About What Causes Cellulite And How To Get Rid Of It Forever – 5 Steps!

What causes cellulite? Ever thought about that? Despite unhealthy diet, there are plenty of reasons that you don’t know! Check them out!

Phew! Cellulite!

Whether you’re super thin or you have great curves you can do it! I’m talking about that area on the back of our butt, thighs and hips. The annoying cellulite! One of the most common concerns for many women. Then what is and what causes cellulite?

What is cellulite?

To understand cellulite, we first have to see the skin. The epidermis is the outermost layer, followed by the dermis. Under these two layers are compartments of fat and thick collagen fibers that separate each fatty compartment.

When you do not have cellulite, the fat cells are not full, and the skin has a smooth, flat appearance. While when you have cellulite, those fat compartments and fat cells are full. They begin to fold with each other and create an appearance of orange skin with dimples under the skin. Therefore, the appearance of cellulite is due to structural changes under the skin. Also, since we are born with a certain number of fat cells, our genetics determines where they are.

Although both men and women may have cellulite, here are some reasons why we see it more often in women:

  • Women usually have higher percentages of body fat.
  • Most women have thinner skin with smaller fat compartments.
  • Women’s hormones like estrogen and progesterone also play an important role. Estrogen induces fat formation that helps with menstruation and pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, the estrogen causes the collagen fibers to break. This helps to relax the cervix to prepare for childbirth.

What causes cellulite?

  • In pregnancy due to the aforementioned hormonal changes.
  • During aging, energy needs are reduced, or in other words, the amount of food energy needed to balance energy expenditure to maintain body size and composition. This can result in increased fat reserves, especially if your intake is higher than what your body needs.
  • Excess of fat being deposited in fat compartments. This worsens the appearance of cellulite.
  • Poor circulation causes collagen fibers not to receive enough blood. The blood carries oxygen, healthy nutrients, and gets rid of all the cells in the body that are toxic waste. Without adequate blood flow, the fibers contract, become thicker and leave a bumpy appearance.
  • Lack of activity means that you are living a sedentary lifestyle. This leads to poor circulation of blood and this leads less of fibers, tissues, vessels and organs of the body.

But then what can we do with the annoying cellulite?

5 steps to follow to get rid of cellulite

Eat well!

You have to eat three meals a day and a lot of green vegetables. This will keep a low calorie intake, and will give you plenty of fiber. Also, do not eat packaged and processed foods! These have a high level of sugar and salt, and both make cellulite look worse.

Exercise! Go exercise! You must exercise!

30 minutes, 5 times a week, doing both weight-loss and aerobic exercises. Aerobic activity maintains a high energy output, so it will make you spend more of what you are ingesting, which will make you store less fat. Weight training will tone the muscles.

If the muscle is weak and flaccid, the fat will become more visible on the top of the muscle. Exercise also results in the accumulation of lower subcutaneous fat. Exercise increases blood flow to the tissue, which helps keep connective tissues healthy and strong.

Drink a lot of water!

Water helps with detoxification, eliminates toxins from the body and improves lymphatic flow. Getting rid of toxins is crucial.

Remove dry skin!

It improves blood circulation as it helps make the work of the lymphatic system more effective. Helps eliminate toxins that damage connective tissues. In addition, it can soften deposits of hard fat under the skin, decreasing the appearance of cellulite.


If you can not afford one, do it yourself. Massages increase blood flow to the area. Although it does not reduce cellulite, it brings a new blood flow, removes toxins from the area and improves the appearance of dimpling. Giving a massage on the legs after exiting the shower works wonderfully and feels great.

You now know what causes cellulite and what you can do about it. You’ll need to make remind yourselves of this every day! In addition, you’ll need to start practicing these advice and do something about your body!

So remember: start today!