Eradicate The Fungus In The Nails Of Your Hands And Feet With The “Natural Fungus Breaker”

Fungus in the nails is the main annoyance that happens on our hands and feet. In fact, if left unattended it usually causes serious problems that can last for a very long time.

When a nail is invaded by a fungus that is not taken care of at the moment, letting it spread, it is very difficult for your nail to become completely normal and healthy.

Most causes of nail fungus, both on the hands and feet, are due to the constant exposure of warm and humid environments. These environments are ideal for the propagation of fungi and it is then when they infect our nails. They spread in the feet especially as these are always under the pressure of shoes and socks. That is why fungus in the nails of the feet it is more common.

However, in this article we want to show you a homemade recipe that has been called as the “fungus breaker”. It is so effective that you can forget the fungus in the nails of your feet in just one step.

Yes, that’s how wonderful it is. Before explaining how to do it, we need to tell you how to recognize if there is a presence of fungus in your nails: the nail becomes thicker, has a yellowish tone, at worst, peels and begins to fall.

The recipe to combat fungus in the nails in a single step

The ingredients you need are the following:

  • Ethyl alcohol at 90% concentration
  • Peroxide
  • White vinegar


This preparation is quite simple. What you should do is to put in a glass jar mix equal parts of alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, then add a little vinegar. This will make the alcohol not volatilize.

Application Method:

First of all you should wash your feet very well. After drying them, apply the mixture twice a day. You must apply the mixture on the entire nail that is affected by the fungus.

As general recommendations: avoid wearing tight shoes, avoid being barefoot in swimming pools or public showers, wear cotton socks, avoid leaving your feet wet before you put your shoes on, among other things.

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