See how to get rid of tough stains on clothes that you or your kids acquire during the day. Learn the easiest procedures ever!
Sometimes, when you’re out, the fun is too good to be paying attention to what happens to your clothes. You enjoy having the time of your life, and it is almost impossible to return home with your clothes in perfect condition. This can be a real problem.
There are times when, instead of fun, we are full of work when we get home. This happens when, for example, at lunch you have an accident: a terrible stain fell on your favorite garment. Moreover, it gets even worse when you see your kids’ clothes: stains all over!
Maybe the real problem is not getting dirty but not knowing how to clean or fix those pieces of clothes that you damaged. When you were younger, you used to resort to your mother in these cases and she, almost by magic, manages to fix the disaster. But the best thing is that you can also learn some cleaning tricks. Learn how to get rid of tough stains on clothes almost by magic!
Now, you just have to take a piece of paper and a pencil to write down the following tips that will make you a master of the laundry. The best thing is that they are so easy and simple that any beginner can succeed.
Tips how to get rid of tough stains on clothes
You will no longer spend too much money in the laundry. Now you can fight the dirty clothes yourself, without the help of anyone. Do not fear, these are safe and simple steps:
Homemade ways to remove stains
With aspirin: if you dissolve about five aspirin tablets in water and apply it on the clothes, you’ll only have to wait a few minutes and wash them normally and the dirt and stains will go away.
Baking soda: with just a little baking soda in a cup with 4 liters of water you can soak the white clothes, and will be enough to leave it sparkling.
With the help of lemon: Just prepare a little lemon juice. It will be ideal to rinse and remove the dirt.
You can also try it with distilled white vinegar.
Read more: Learn How To Bleach Clothes Back To White Without Using Chlorine!
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