Why do men like meat more than women, has it crossed your mind? Men love burgers and women crave for sweets. Why is that so?
If you’re a woman, then you know that you’re craving for chocolate and ice-cream the minute PMS starts or your period is gone. You also prefer a plate of salad instead of veal. If you do want to eat meat, you always choose something lighter, like chicken, for example. If you’re a man, though, you know that a day passed without meat is a day wasted. There’s no way you’d only eat salad for lunch, or God forbid, while your favorite baseball team is playing. No-freaking-way! Burgers and beer is what you need, right? But why is that? Of course you’ve thought about it at least once in your lifetime: why do men like meat more than women? Let’s find out.
Why do men like meat more than women?
Do men like meat because it’s in their genes? Probably not; at least, no evidence show that. However, men do need more protein than women in order to keep their muscles and bones strong. Men feel the need for meat because their body tells them so. Especially if they exercise. When you exercise, your body is burning fat and calories, and your muscles grow. For the muscles to grow, you need a great amount of protein. That’s why, after every workout, your body yields ‘Gimme meat’.
Women on the other hand, can go even a week without meat intake. Their body functions perfectly fine if they eat starch, vitamins and minerals. However, women do like sweets better than men. This is their weakness. If they’re on a rigorous diet, they’ll satisfy their need by eating a banana (which has natural sugar levels high). If they’re not, they’ll enjoy a few bars of chocolate or a nice bowl of ice-cream. According to some, this is because sweets make them happy. Whenever they are sad or just need ray of light in their lives, they eat sweets. This is because the ‘happiness hormone’ levels are down and they need to be up.
But is there any other reason why this is so?
Yes. Most of these different cravings in men and women are also associated with cultural differences and social media. People in the USA and some European countries, more specifically the Balkan, fall into this category: men love meat, women chocolate. Other, Spain, for instance, do not have that much of a difference when it comes to meat: both men and women eat it modestly. However, social media has a huge impact on people, whether they’re aware of it or not. Almost all of the chocolate commercials are presented by women and burgers commercials by men. Unconsciously, after seeing a commercial like that, you instantly start craving for the food. That’s what psychologists claim might be the answer.