Natural Method How To Get Smooth And Silky Hair And Look Radiant!

How to get smooth and silky hair naturally? Just follow these homemade recipes and you’ll get a breathtaking hair in a matter of minutes!

There are different types of hairs, but what is quite common is that many women always want to have it smooth.

Many women try to dry it with methods that harm the health of your hair; which burn the hair actually. The conventional methods that women use to have smooth hair are through instruments like the hair dryer or iron, both weaken the hair making it appear brittle.

The same thing happens if you use a chemical that only succeeds in emptying your pocket completely. In this article you can enjoy great benefits as we will show you the way how to get smooth and silky hair with completely natural products.

Best of all is that it has no secondary consequences, so your hair will continue to have excellent health and shine, because these recipes also promote the health of it.

Learn how to get smooth and silky hair naturally

Coconut milk and lemon juice

You should form a cream with coconut milk, approximately 250ml, and lemon juice. Wash your hair with shampoo and use this recipe instead of using conditioner. Rinse with warm water and do it twice a week.

Banana and milk to straighten hair

In addition to smoothing your hair, the banana and milk contains large proteins that will strengthen your hair. What you should do is blend the banana until you get a puree. Then add the milk to form a paste. The amount will depend on the length of the hair. Apply to damp hair and let it act for half an hour, rinse and comb.

Lemon and honey

Combine one tablespoon of honey for every 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice, depending on the length of the hair. Apply it on the hair and then wrap it with a wet towel. Let it act for 45 minutes and then rinse and comb with care. Honey is ideal for taking care of your hair.

With these simple recipes you will learn how to get smooth and silky hair. You will notice an amazing change in your hair.

Read more: Here’s How To Get Beautiful Long Hair In Just 3 Weeks – Your Hair Will Grow Like CRAZY!

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