Do you know that not regular bowel movements and 3 days spent without going to the bathroom are very bad for your organism and health? See why!
Defecating is an action that all human beings perform. All human beings, regardless of social class, culture or beauty, we all defecate. This may not be a topic of pleasure for many people and may be funny to children under 12. But what we want to emphasize something that is not funny at all: not regular bowel movements.
When a person does not go to the bathroom often means that he suffers from constipation. Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems in the world’s population. In the United States statistics show that at least 2.5 million people have annual consultations concerning this problem.
Our intestines move the food we eat in order to extract the necessary nutrients. When everything is going well in our body, this process is done frequently. As a result we go to the bathroom or defecate every day.
Instead when you have constipation, you cannot go to the bathroom for days. When we have not regular bowel movements, this happens. Constipation occurs when our body absorbs too much water from the foods that. Components that remain for a long time in the intestines are considered colonic waste.
These wastes are compiled and stored in the rectum and then expelled from the body. So if the body absorbs too much water this fecal matter dries a lot and is more difficult to expel from the body and for this reason we constipated.
What happens when you have not regular bowel movements?
If we spend more than 3 days without going to the bathroom, which is the average duration to expel the waste, then the person who exceeds this range has constipation. This represents a serious problem.
Many people often take the urge to go to the bathroom because of their work or lack of time. Actually putting up with the need to defecate a couple of times is not a problem. The problem appears when the body becomes accustomed and can no longer go normally to the bathroom.
Laxatives are an alternative for causing fecal matter expelling, but overconsumption triggers a number of problems for the colon. If you become accustomed to ingesting laxatives to defecate, your body may forget how to perform this process on its own.
Anyway, not going to the bathroom and having not regular bowel movements cause nothing but discomfort and risk of getting serious diseases. Read here how you can improve the bowel movements:
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