The signs of deficiency in vitamins are there; only you don’t notice them. See which are they and which vitamins you lack and start leading healthier life!
Our body emits signals when some of the processes are not well or when we are about to or have already acquired a disease. Sometimes the symptoms and signals it emits are very subtle and almost imperceptible, so you should pay attention.
You must be aware of any small detail since if a signal appears such as a sore throat, there’s something the body want to tell you, in this case it may be beginning of flu, etc. Many deaths or terminal illnesses are acquired because we ignored the simple details our body emitted.
These warnings that the body emits can be the fall of the hair. Anyone can confuse this symptom with stress or mistreated hair, but why does this happen? Have you ever analyzed what this means?
If you are experiencing symptoms of hair loss, dry skin, cracked lips, or similar signs then you should pay close attention. This does not mean that your skin experiences moisturizing problems, but your body is not getting the nutrients it needs.
Signs of deficiency in nutrients show that the body is not receiving or producing the necessary vitamins, that is, you have deficiencies of vitamins A, C, E, B. All these nutrients are necessary for the development of the processes in our body.
Meaning of signs of deficiency in vitamins
Dry skin: indicates that you have deficiency of vitamins A. The lack of this vitamin also makes your hair look maltreated.
Wrinkles on the skin: this means the lack of vitamins E.
Battered weak nails: this represents the lack of B vitamins.
Skin imperfections: it is synonymous with lack of collagen, this compound is produced by vitamins C.
The best way to obtain these vitamins is to consume natural products such as fruits, vegetables, tubers, among other foods that produce them.
Read more: Vitamin B12 Deficiency Warning Signs And Recommended Dietary Vitamin B12 Sources
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