What Does Drinking Water With Lemon Do To Your Health And Body?

What does drinking water with lemon do? Plenty of awesome stuff related to your body and your health. Read about the benefits and start drinking it today!

Drinking water with lemon every morning, making it your daily routine, is the best thing you could do for your health and your body.

Probably, you’ve heard people talking about drinking water with lemon every morning. And you ask yourself ‘But why? What does drinking water with lemon do?’ Don’t ask why, follow those wise men.

Lemon is rich in oils, potassium, vitamins and carbohydrates, and it’s a very powerful antioxidant. Water, the most essential liquid in our lives, keeps you hydrated. See the logic?

The point is, regular consumption of lemon mixed with warm or cold water, works miracles for your general health. There are more than 15 benefits you get out of it. Let see which are they

What does drinking water with lemon do?

1. Fights inflammation

This drink is such a powerful weapon against inflammation of any kind. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it neutralizes acidity and alkalizes the body.

2. Boosts your immunity

If you want to boost your immunity and fight colds and other diseases, you better juice one lemon and mix it with water. This is a great immunity booster, as it detects and removes pathogens from your lymph.

3. Fights the flu and colds

In addition, due to its richness in vitamin C, this drink will prevent and treat the colds and the flu. It is the most natural antioxidant that has amazing antibacterial properties.

4. Relieves gallbladder aches

Drink lemon and water during your meals; the pain will simply disappear in just a few days.

5. Burns fat and speeds up fat loss

As one of the greatest antioxidants, lemon naturally burns fat from your body the fastest. Combined with water, it’s a perfect combination to be hydrated and burn fat.

6. Regulates digestion and blood sugar

This awesome drink stimulates bile production, decompressing food and helping the digestion. Also, controls hunger and sugar cravings.

7. Strengthens your nails and hair

You see those white spots on your nails? That’s a sign that your body lacks vitamin C. Drink this drink and get rid of those white spots, have stronger nails and brighter hair.

8. Detoxifier

If you’re working out and you need a detox drink, then don’t hesitate anymore. There’s no better natural detoxifier which will relief soreness in your muscles after your workouts and keep you energized.

9. Treats skin problems

You have acne, aging or pimples problems? Don’t worry, make yourself this drink. It rejuvenates the skin from inside out, due to vitamin C, reduces wrinkles and fights acne and pimple appearance. This drink flushes out toxins which are responsible for skin problems.

10. Balanced pH

Imbalanced pH can cause serious health problems. Drink lemon and water every day and prevent these problems. This drink makes alkaline environment keeping your pH balanced.