Many have constipation problems which can be easily solved with one natural remedy. Clean your bowel using this DIY remedy today!
A large number of people struggle with abdominal fat. Generally, this makes you have a tummy that, at times, can even be confused with pregnancy. What many people do not know is that, sometimes, this is not due to abdominal fat, but due to the waste from your body.
When you have a bad digestion, your body does not regularly expel the stool, which makes you look fat.
Of course, what you eat may or may not contribute to making this situation worse. The lifestyle you lead forces you to eat in public places, restaurants or fast food. This type of food does not provide the nutrients necessary for a good digestion. On the contrary, they slow down this process, which makes that waste get stored in your body longer. The bowel gets filled with stool and you have constipation problems.
Now, no one can deny that fast food or junk food is very tempting. Its colors and aromas make anyone fall in their claws. But you must try as much as possible to replace it with a good diet. Otherwise, you will be dealing with a time bomb in your body.
Among other things, junk food is responsible for causing the accumulation of fat in the liver. It also helps to develop cancer cells, make digestion difficult and many other health problems. Next, we will show you a recipe that will help you eliminate and expel those wastes that are stored in our intestine.
If you have constipation, prepare this!
What you will need:
- Apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons)
- Crystal of aloe (1 piece)
- Honey of bee (3 tablespoons)
- Water (half liter)
Preparation and use:
In the first place, take the piece of aloe and remove the green shell, extracting with the crystal. Then chop it into small pieces and throw it in a blender. Now, add the other ingredients and liquefy until a you obtain a homogenous substance.
Take this powerful remedy without filtering it every night before bed. Repeat this process for 15 days. After that time, you will see how your colon and organism feels better, and you will feel better yourself. You’ll no longer have constipation and feel fat.
Read more: If You Have Not Regular Bowel Movements, This Is What Happens To Your Health! Terrifying!
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