The Best Way To Clear Lungs Of Mucus And Phlegm In Only 2 Hours Is By Using This!

Wanna know the best way to clear lungs of mucus and phlegm in just 2 hours? Well, follow our lead and you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

You have noticed when you catch a cold, your body produces an excessive amount of mucus and phlegm. Both substances make the process of the flu much more difficult.

What we do not know is that there are other reasons and facts behind the production of mucus in our body that will surprise you.

Although we do not like mucus and phlegm and it is even very unpleasant to talk about this subject, such thing is necessary. The mucus is classified into two groups: the first classification corresponds to nasal mucus, produced by the nose, the second group belongs to the phlegm, which is produced by the lungs. In addition, this type appears when we have coughs, colds or infections. The function of mucus in the body is to absorb moisture, keep the lungs moist and protect the parts covered by it from bacteria, germs or external agents that wish to invade the body.

When you get a cold, your body produces more mucus because the organism is alerted and a process called chemotaxis is activated which helps you to protect yourself from infection.

In case of the flu the airways become inflamed and the production of mucus increases in order to absorb the virus and the invading germs that are now in the body. The production of mucus is an autoimmune response of the body.

While the body fights against bacteria it also produces enzymes and eco-enzymes that mix the mucus. These enzymes and eco-enzymes are the ones that produce the green color in the mucus. Surely with this information you can answer the question you were asking yourself about the color of the mucus.

What happens sometimes is that the flu is passed, but the phlegm and mucus get trapped in the lungs, or the production increases. In this case this is not so good signal, so you must find the best way to clear lungs of mucus and phlegm. Today we will teach you how.

The best way to clear lungs of mucus and phlegm

You’ll need:

  • 1 piece of ginger.
  • ½l of water.
  • Honey.
  • Apple cider vinegar.
  • Coconut oil.

How to prepare it?

Bring the ginger and water to boil. After the water reaches the boiling point, wait for 15 minutes and then pour the mixture into a bowl. When the mixture cools down a little, add all the other ingredients and mix again.

When you feel suffocating from the mucus or phlegm, take a spoon of this remedy. Swallowing one spoon of this remedy is the best way to clear lungs of mucus and phlegm.

Read more: 8 Herbs As Home Remedies For Mucus Cough And Lungs Reparation

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