This Is What Causes Uncontrolled Cell Growth In Cancer And It’s Been Hidden From Us!

Uncontrolled cell growth makes cancer spread and develop. These 7 things that we use daily are actually speeding up the cell growth! Watch out!

Whether you have cancer or not, you should be aware that there are some things that we use daily that cause and speed up uncontrolled cell growth. Read the list below and stop using these things in your life!

7 causes of uncontrolled cell growth

Antiperspirants and deodorants

These two that we use like 10 times a day, are actually causing and spreading cancer. The aluminum that deodorants and antiperspirants contain is actually very toxic and cancerous cells feed up on it.


Any kind of sweetener that you’re using at home is pure GMO and a  cancer culprit that slowly but surely makes cells multiply. Whether you’re using fructose, candies or refined sugar, you’re exposing yourself to cancer either way.

Food in cans

Canned food is the worst – it contains BPA, which is  extremely  dangerous and actually alters brain cells in rats. The BPA (bisphenol-A) is also contained in plastic bags, water lines, dental products and thermal papers.


All of the make-up you’re having at home, creams and what else, are filled with coal tar and petroleum. These two toxic ingredients are absorbed by the skin and can travel anywhere in your body through your bloodstream, making a perfect environment for uncontrolled cell growth.

Shampoo, tooth paste and soaps

In addition, shampoo, toothpaste and soaps are directly applied on your teeth and skin and go straight in the bloodstream.  All of these contain cancer causing ingredients and many other health problems.

Medicines and vaccines

Although medicine is based on medication and different treatments, including vaccines, these contain high levels of chemicals. Every doctor that does good practice will advise you to avoid these things and try alternative means to treat your illnesses. Nonetheless, sometimes it’s simply inevitable to use pills and vaccines  when it comes to difficult health conditions. The secret here is that they may kill the bad cells but also kill the good ones as casualties.

Meat and milk

Today, animals are being fed with hormones for them to produce more milk or to be big enough and provide more meat. Then, we consume the same artificial hormones by eating that meat or drinking that milk and we become prone to cancer, different types of inflammations and other health conditions.

Finally, it is good to mention that all of these things can be replaced by perfectly natural mixtures that you can make at home. All you need to do is try making them and you won’t regret it.