How Common Is Endometriosis, What Is It Actually And What Are The Symptoms? Find Out!

How common is endometriosis, what is this condition and how can you recognize it? It has to do with women’s reproductive organs; find out all about it!

How common is endometriosis?

Although it is a disorder a few people know of, the World Health Organization confirms that 1 in 10 women worldwide suffers from endometriosis, a condition that leads to significant consequences on fertility and overall health.

We tell you about the symptoms that could lead to this condition; if you have any, we strongly recommend seeing your GP to start the treatment.

What is endometriosis?

It is a disorder that causes cells in the lining of the uterus (womb) to appear and grow in different areas of the body such as the ovaries, intestines, bladder, or rectum. Once they are in the areas mentioned, the hormones begin to react, so before each menstruation they swell and begin to accumulate blood, causing pain and unbearable discomfort.

How does it feel?

  • Abdominal pain before and during menstruation.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Abundant period.
  • Abdominal swelling.

How to detect it?

Your doctor will perform  routine pelvic examination; if there’s an abnormality, they’ll perform transvaginal ultrasound to identify possible cysts in the ovaries. If detected they will be diagnosed with endometriosis.

Treatment options

There are different levels of severity. If it is not very invasive the doctor may prescribe painkillers. Your doctor can also recommend hormonal treatments. Furthermore, if the pain is uncontrollable, they can schedule a surgery to remove the cysts. Something that influences the moment of choosing the treatment is the interest of a possible pregnancy in the future of the patient.

If you know your condition and decide not to attend quickly, the abdominal pain will become uncontrollable, but the greatest consequence will be infertility. If you do not treat them and the cells grow in the intestines or urinary tract, they will create obstructions that will lead to even more complicated and serious diseases.

Further info: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Or Enlarged Prostate Can Be Cured Naturally With These 9 Remedies!

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