It’s Coughing And Pneumonia Season! Cure Them With These 7 Homemade Remedies!

Coughing and pneumonia usually happen during fall and winter. Have these 7 recipes handy in case of coughing and pneumonia!

To start with, pneumonia is an inflammation of one or both lungs tissues caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or chemical irritants. This is the case when the air sacs get filled with fluids and become inflamed.

Additionally, you should know that terrible coughing and pneumonia go together. However, other symptoms of pneumonia include: heavy breathing, increased heartbeat rate, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, headaches and nausea and diarrhea.

Actually, the 4 types of pneumonia are: opportunistic, hospital-acquired, aspiration and community-acquired pneumonia. The first type attacks people who have weak immune systems and have diseases like HIV, AIDS or COPD. The second type is obvious by the name; pneumonia that you acquire in an institution, such as clinics or hospital.

Furthermore, the third and fourth types of pneumonia are developed from the environment. If you inhale some small harmful particles and go directly into your lungs, you’ll get aspiration pneumonia. And the fourth one, the most common, you get by people who are already sick.

As a result, you get horribly sick and you desperately need help. Here are some suggestions on how to treat this problem.

7 coughing and pneumonia homemade remedies

  1. Garlic – antibiotic properties; fight bacteria; great for improving your immune system; best used raw;
  2. Holy basil leaves – great for cough; you should chew a few leaves and you’ll alleviate the cough;
  3. Oregano oil – anti-germ, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties; extremely efficient in treating pneumonia; minimizes mucus; pour some oregano oil on a piece of clean cloth and breath it in;
  4. Turmeric – anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties; acts as mucolytic eliminating mucus;
  5. Spinach and carrot juice – pneumonia remedy mix; add 200ml of spinach and 300ml of carrot juice; pneumonia will disappear in a few days;
  6. Fenugreek tea – great for clearing up the fluid from the lungs; great for relieving cough;
  7. Ginger – efficient for respiratory disease treatment; reduces cough; reduces lung irritation.

Finally, what you need to have in mind is to regularly do steam inhalations. First, boil some water and add a few drops of some essential oil, or put chamomile tea inside. Then, put a towel over your head, and lean towards the pot; make sure you don’t let the steam to get away from your body.

In conclusion, you’ll need to do these inhalations to get rid of mucus and phlegm, and clear the air sacks. Once you do that, you’ll feel better in an instant. Therefore, it would be better to act know in order to save yourself from the agonizing feeling and pain.