Detox From Smoking Cigarettes, Remove Phlegm And Bacteria Using This!

If you need detox from smoking cigarettes, you need to take 2 tablespoons of this homemade remedy! It will eliminate phlegm and bacteria in no time!

The lungs are the organs responsible for storing oxygen and supplying it to the body through the respiratory passages. This important function is essential, which is why if your lungs stop working, unless you are connected to a machine that supplies oxygen, you would die instantly.

This gives you enough reason to want to take care of your lungs and respiratory system as much as you can. It happens that sometimes by various factors your lungs get sick and clog due to different factors such as phlegm, pollution, mucus, nicotine (in the case of active or passive smokers), etc.

When this happens the most important thing is to determine the cause to eradicate it immediately and in this way avoid putting at risk the health and good functioning of your lungs. Today we will share with you a natural remedy that you can use to detox from smoking cigarettes and clean the lungs and respiratory tract.

This recipe is specifically efficient for smokers, as their lungs tend to accumulate larger toxic substances due to nicotine. People who work in carpentry workshops, oil fields or have contact with the fuel can also benefit from it, because in this type of work the substance tar is in abundance.

To prepare the cleansing remedy you will need natural ingredients that you have at home generally. You’ll need ginger, which contains curative properties and has the capacity to eliminate accumulations. Turmeric, possesses antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, and cleans the blood. Onion, as potent as garlic, contains anticancer properties and protects against respiratory problems.

Natural remedy as detox from smoking cigarettes


  • 400g onion
  • 350-400g of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of turmeric
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 1l of water

How to prepare it

Boil the water and add the honey, then cut the onion and grate the ginger. Afterwards, add these ingredients to the water. A few minutes after, add turmeric as well. Allow all ingredients to blend well.

You can keep this remedy in the fridge. Take this homemade syrup 2 times a day; in the morning on an empty stomach and after dinner. Each time take 2 tablespoons.

With this remedy you will be able to clean your lungs and detox from smoking cigarettes and at the same time increase your immune system.

Read more: 8 Herbs As Home Remedies For Mucus Cough And Lungs Reparation

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