Diagnosing Prostate Cancer At Home – If You Notice These Signs, Do A Check-Up Immediately!

Diagnosing prostate cancer by yourself could mean a lot in the healing process; notice the signs on time and save yourself!

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that can affect men, especially when they are older than 50 years. It usually begins to grow in the prostate gland and, in its initial stages, does not present specific symptoms.

According to latest cancer statistics, prostate cancer affects 1 in 7 men. When the cancer begins to grow, certain signs occur that, if you do not know, may go unnoticed. But that may help diagnosing prostate cancer early to receive conventional or alternative treatments on time.

Prostate cancer is a disease that can remain undetected for many years without causing symptoms. In fact, a large percentage of men die from the cancer and not from it.

Much has been said about the consequences of having a diseased prostate, but very few know how to identify the symptoms.

Diagnosing prostate cancer

1.- Need to urinate all the time

It is one of the most frequent symptoms of a sick prostate. It is mainly due to swelling of the male organ that subsequently presses the bladder and urethra and therefore the urge to urinate more frequently. This swelling may be a simple inflammation or a developed tumor.

 2.- Presence of blood in fluids

If the urine becomes reddish or brown, there may be blood in it. Also the preseminal fluids or the ejaculation can stain red or present strands of blood. This may be a symptom of cancer in the middle stage.

3.- Pain in the lower back

While it is true that this pain can be caused by many other reasons, it is often ignored as a symptom because it is attributed to muscular causes. If it is persistent or if you have the hunch that it is more than a simple back pain, it is always good to have a checkup.

4.-Intermittent urination

If you are a person who goes to the bathroom and urine without keeping a constant flow, you probably have prostate problems. This deficiency indicates that a part of the prostate is pushing the bladder and urethra. It could be a simple swelling, or worse, a tumor developed.

5.- Painful urination

Not just urinating more often may be a symptom, but also other anomalies in micturition. Pain is one of them, and needs attention. It is not just a symptom of prostate disease, but to know what causes it and solve it, you have to take care of it.

  1. Difficulties during sexual intercourse

Erection problems or the difficulty of ejaculating despite the desire to do so are common in prostate cancer.

7.- Bone pain

Although it can respond to many causes, it is a symptom to take into account, especially if it is accompanied by any of the other symptoms mentioned. Bone pain is due to inflammatory processes that start with cancer.

At any of these signals, it is best to have medical checkups every year because the best ways for diagnosing prostate cancer are by analyzing the amount of prostate-specific antigen in your blood, and the digital rectal exam, which can be done by a doctor in their office. Both studies are very simple and can detect the cancer in a stage in which it is easier to cure it.

Further info: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Or Enlarged Prostate Can Be Cured Naturally With These 9 Remedies!

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