Improve Brain Function, Boost Your Memory and Vision Consuming One Single Drink For 3 Weeks!

Improve brain function using only one drink. You’ll boost your memory and your vision will improve. Check out all the health benefits of this drink!

Many ailments can be cured and treated with a mixture from some natural ingredients. However, it is not so well known that some combination of ingredients can improve your brain function.

All of the important nerves responsible for proper organ functioning are in the brain. The brain is consisted of the nerves for movement, vision, talking, sleeping, memory etc. If the brain is not functioning properly, many health problems occur. Some are even fatal. That’s why keeping good brain health is essential for our wellbeing.

Strangely enough, there are recipes for homemade foods and drinks that can improve brain function. We’ll present you one of many effective drinks that will boost your memory, improve your vision and brain function overall.

Improve brain function using this drink

For this super drink, you need: 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of cinnamon, 3 unpeeled lemons cut in small pieces, 1 ginger root, 125gr horseradish.

 First thing to do is wash the lemons, horseradish and ginger. Next, put them in a blender and blend them nicely before adding the lemon pieces. Blend again until you get a nice, smooth mixture. When this is ready, put them in a glass bowl or jar and add the cinnamon and honey. Stir with a fork and close the bowl or jar. Put the mixture in the fridge and make sure you keep it there the whole time.

How to use this mixture

You should consume this drink not longer than 3 weeks. Just take 1 tablespoon of the mixture twice a day. The extra good news: you might even lose some pound during this period of time. This drink is also good for shedding pounds faster.

What to eat while you’re drinking the mixture?

We’ll recommend a list of foods that also improve brain function and boost your memory:

  • Acorn squash – rich in folic acid and vitamin B12
  • Avocado – rich in vitamin A
  • Beets – rich in natural nitrates
  • Dark chocolate – great antioxidant rich in caffeine
  • Egg – rich in choline
  • Fish – rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Green tea – rich in catechins
  • Nuts – rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Onion – rich in vitamins
  • Rosemary – anti-inflammatory properties
  • Tomatoes – rich in lycopene
  • Turmeric – rich in curcumin
  • Whole grains – rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and complex carbohydrates