Lumbar herniated disc symptoms can be tough to handle, so to relieve the pain, you could do some of the following exercises.
Although it doesn’t always have symptoms, a lumbar disc herniation can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the legs. We tell you what exercises to do to relieve discomfort.
Performing exercises for a lumbar disc herniation is key when the nucleus of one of these discs that are located between the vertebrae pushes the outer ring. This pressure can irritate a nerve in the area and cause pain, numbness or weakness in the extremities.
Many people do not have any symptoms of this condition. However, if your diagnosis is positive for this problem and you feel any of the aforementioned signs, there are some exercises that could help mitigate the discomfort. We tell you what they are.
Factors that influence the appearance of lumbar disc herniation symptoms
Herniated disc is a condition that, in most cases, appears as a result of the passage of time. This is due to the natural wear of the discs. Sometimes it is also due to the force exerted on the back muscles when carrying heavy objects.
As for the main factors that increase the risk of suffering from this health condition, they include:
- Excess body weight.
- Physically demanding jobs.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Tobacco use.
- Medical consultation for low back pain.
Consulting for low back pain is important to complement the exercises that can be performed at home.
Recommended exercises for lumbar disc herniation
As we mentioned, some of the discomfort of a herniated disc can be felt in the arms, legs, and neck. If you feel pain in any of these areas, try the exercises that we recommend below for lumbar herniated disc symptoms relief. Do not forget that it is also essential to maintain good posture.
Neck extension
If pain occurs in the neck, this exercise will help ease the discomfort. The goal is to push the disc back away from the nerve root. This practice won’t take long, and if you’re consistent, it won’t be long before you see results. Although it is a sign of cervical disc herniation, there are patients with low back pain who, at the same time, suffer in the upper part due to solidarity with the functioning of the spine.
What should you do?
Lie face down on a table or bed. Let the head protrude from the surface and the neck is in a straight line with the edge.
Then gently lower your head and let it hang.
Hold this position for 1 minute and rest. Repeat 5 to 15 times. If you notice that the pain does not subside or worse, do not continue with the exercise.
Stomach stretch
One of the objectives of these exercises for lumbar disc herniation is to return the pain to its center and not to move to other areas. In this case, a stretch is sought to rest the muscles and relieve tension.
What should you do?
Lie on your abdomen and place your arms bent, so that the forearm touches the ground.
Next, prop yourself up on your forearm, placing your elbows at a 45-degree angle and raising your torso. The hips should stay in contact with the ground.
Hold this position for 15 seconds and return to the starting position.
Repeat this stretch 10 times and gradually increase the seconds until you reach 30.
Cat position
This movement is one of the main ones of yoga and, if you have pain due to lumbar disc herniation, it will help you open the space between the intervertebral discs. This action, in addition to improving the mobility of the spine, can alleviate the pressure that is exerted on the herniated disc.
What should you do?
Get on your hands and knees, on a mat or mat.
Inhale and let your stomach drop, while your chin and chest look up at the ceiling.
As you exhale, compress your belly and round your back. This pose should be similar to that of a cat stretching its back.
Relax your head and allow your neck to curve slightly to face your feet.
Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps each.
Knee-to-chest stretch
This stretch is a gentle exercise to relax the muscles on each side of the body separately. It is very simple and you can do it on a mat. It is important that the back is straight at all times.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and both heels on the floor.
Next, place both hands behind one knee, bring it up to the chest, and straighten the opposite leg.
Switch legs and go through the same process.
Repeat 10 times with each leg.
Four-point arm and leg raises
This is one of the exercises for lumbar disc herniation that requires a little more effort. However, it is worth it, as it can be effective in working the muscles of the back and extremities, relieving tension in these areas.
What should you do?
Get into the four-point position.
Tighten your abs and lift one arm and the opposite leg at the same time.
Hold this position for 5 seconds.
Lower your arm and leg slowly and do the same with the opposites.
Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.
Read more: Treat Lower Back Pain From Herniated Disc Using These Natural Remedies!
What exercises should be avoided?
Now that you know the exercises that help to alleviate the symptoms of lumbar disc herniation, it is necessary to have information about those that should not be performed to prevent the pain from increasing or causing a spinal injury.
In general, it is best not to do routines that involve extra weight for the spine, as well as the rotations and hyperextensions of this area. On the other hand, overhead weight exercises should also be ruled out if you suffer from this condition.
Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that while the stretches mentioned in the list above may help speed recovery, it’s best to see a professional. They will know how to perfect the movements and find an additional therapy supplement, if necessary.
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