Look At This Pee Chart And See What The Color Of Your Urine Says About Your Health!

You need to see this pee chart and recognize when your body is saying that something is wrong with it. Beware and follow the signs!

Every day, that perfect machine that is our body, performs multiple processes and functions. We do not even notice that we perform these processes.

We breathe, walk, analyze, digest and even excrete our waste, without realizing that all these functions are part of a complex process that our body performs; unless something is wrong and we begin to have symptoms.

One of these important processes of the human body is the production of urine. It is a transparent, yellowish aqueous liquid, with a characteristic odor, secreted by the kidneys and removed to the outside by the urinary apparatus.

Moreover, there’s a pee chart that shows how your urine should look according to your health. Every color change signifies a different health condition. Let’s look at it.

Pee chart that shows signs of health issues by the color of urine

It should be noted that, urine is used to determine the presence of some diseases, through a laboratory analysis. This is possible due to the microscopic elements present in the same, which may indicate deficiencies, bacteria and other pathologies.

However, often the simple appearance of urine can alert us that something is wrong. You may find it disagreeable to stop to look at your urine, because urinating is something like a routine, that you obviate any anomaly in your appearance. But you should know that a look “a little further” when you use the bathroom, can warn you in time of something more serious. Because if something is not working well in our body, urine can change color.

In this sense, today we show you a pee chart with some shades of the color of urine, which may warn you that something is not right.

Intense yellow: this may be because you are not drinking enough water and therefore, your kidneys try harder to eliminate toxins. It’s nothing to be afraid about, just drink more water daily.

Light color: Unlike the previous case, this is synonymous with being well hydrated. It is a good signal.

Dark yellow: this is a sign that you should go to the doctor, because it could involve liver conditions, especially if the white part of your eyes, has a yellowish tone.

Color reddish brown: it is a clear sign that there is an alteration in the urinary system. Usually it shows presence of stones.

Read moreKidney And Gallbladder Stones Removal By Mixing These Powerful Ingredients!

Color red: This tone is due to the presence of blood in the urine. You should go to the doctor as soon as possible to treat its origin and causes.

SHARE this pee chart with family and friends, because you could be helping someone to discover some disease.