Save Yourself From Xanax Addiction And Use Its Natural Counterpart Instead!

Xanax addiction is spreading in America. Millions of adults seek for help and find it in Xanax. But you can use its completely natural counterpart instead!

Xanax, as many other medications, is highly dangerous for your health because of the side effects. However, many find hope in this medicine and cannot stop using it.

This refusal of quitting it leads to a deathly addiction. In fact, Xanax drug abuse is rising as we speak. One third of Americans is suffering from some kind of mental illness, and find their piece with Xanax.

But what is Xanax actually?

Xanax is a kind of antidepressant that many people use to prevent panic attacks, anxiety, fear and depression. Millions of prescriptions for this medicine are made every month. It is one of the most prescribed medicines.

How does it work?

Xanax connects to brain GABA receptors, slowing down your heart rate and normalizing your breathing; hence, relaxing and calming you.

Any anxiety present in your life can be smoothed down with just one pill of this medicine. That’s why people get hooked up on it from the minute they try it.

The side effects of Xanax

The list of Xanax side effects seems never-ending. It can cause, of course, nausea and dry mouth, skin rashes, dizziness and fatigue, as any other medication.

However, those are the lightest side effects. As the list goes on, more and more serious problems appear. For example, shortness of breath, excessive talking, constipation, hypersalivation, reduced motivation and short-term amnesia are part of the serious health problems group.

Eventually, the side effect peaks are the most dangerous health conditions possible. To get a precise image and pay attention, we’ll give you a list:

  • Halucinations
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Slurring speech
  • Paranoia
  • Suicide thoughts
  • Deep confusion
  • Weird dreams
  • Addiction

Xanax addiction

We left the side effect addiction at the end of the list for a reason. Although, all of the previous side effects seem equally or even more dangerous than it, addiction to Xanax can be deadly.

The thing is, the sedative effects that this drug provides depend on tolerance development. Once you get used to the effect of the drug, you cannot obtain the primary effect, so you need a bigger dose.

Once you continue doubling the dose long term, you end up with compulsive use and a serious addiction. This addiction is considered as drug abuse and can be deadly.

Xanax natural counterpart

Xanax addiction can be prevented very naturally. You don’t need Xanax when you have a perfectly natural mean to calm yourself and stay healthy.

We’re talking about l-theanine, a type of amino acid found in certain teas. It provides the similar Xanax effects but with no side effects whatsoever.

As you may know by now, green tea is a perfect calming mean. With one cup of green tea in one day you intake 8mg of our dear l-theanine.

Another suggestion might be Matcha green tea. You’ll have consumed around 30mg of the l-theanine with just 2mg of Matcha green tea powder.

And the third option could be black tea. Use 200ml of black tea, or one medium-sized glass; 25mg of this amino acid is down on your throat.