Seems As Yeast Infection On Vagina, But It’s A Way More Complicated Disease! BE CAREFUL!

A yeast infection on vagina it a quite common problem women face; this disease is far more complicated than that, so you need to know all about it!

It is a warning sign for every woman: an excessively intense vaginal odor, along with an excessive flow of whitish and gray, indicates that we are facing a possible yeast infection on vagina.

Yeast infection on vagina or…?

In the absence of a confirmation from you gynecologist, the siege narrows around bacterial vaginosis. If, in addition, there is itching even during intercourse. “The vagi …?” you would wonder. In fact, despite its high incidence, this disorder is still unknown. It is unknown for a large part of the population, and also for science.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the main cause of abnormal vaginal discharge or leucorrhoea in women of reproductive age. This abnormal vaginal discharge is the most frequent symptom. Its characteristics are an unpleasant odor and absence of inflammatory signs.

The figures suggest that it is a common disorder, affecting 30% of women between the ages of 14 and 49 in the United States, and between 4 and 14% of the same group in Europe.

But the question raised by the experts of this medical center is that “although this pathology has been the object of a great deal of studies and work for decades, it still remains a controversial entity and contradictory results.”

An enemy who always comes back

The main challenge for researchers is to understand the high incidence in young women. Bacterial vaginosis constitutes up to 50% of diagnoses of yeast infection on vagina. And it happens because of a complex alteration of the composition of the flora. There is a substitution of acidophilic lactobacillus by high concentrations of other bacteria, in general, anaerobic.

The experts clarify that it is not a famous disease because half of the women who have it are asymptomatic. This infection usually resolves spontaneously in a third of cases, and to a greater extent in pregnant women. However, there are less fortunate who do not only suffer more intensely symptoms, but also tend to be recurrent. Because it is a process in which hormonal, immunological, genetic, racial, sexual factors, harmful habits, inadequate intimate hygiene and others, it is not uncommon to reappear again and again.

The mysterious origin of the bacterial vaginosis

One of the great debates about bacterial vaginosis is its triggers. According to the gynecologists, the cause of this alteration is not clear. Studies have associated bacterial vaginosis with sexual relationships and habits, smoking, some intimate hygiene products and contraceptive methods used.

Considering that it is a very common disease in women of sexual activity age, the experts add that it is not clear that bacterial vaginosis is produced by the transmission of a pathogen through sexual intercourse, but its occurrence is rare in patients without sexual relations. For that reason, sexual intercourse is a risk factor. Another risk factor is having a high number of couples, both male and female.

However, there are those scientists that claim bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease. This means that it is not infectious or contagious, because it is an imbalance inside the vagina. It is not an agent that is transmitted exclusively by sex. On the other hand, these experts do recommend the use of the condom during sex to avoid it, because in some cases semen can be a factor that accelerates yeast infection on vagina.

Wrong treatments

Another challenge of bacterial vaginosis is that due to symptoms such as itching, many women, when suffering from it, believe they have a candidiasis, that is, vaginal yeast, and decide to self-medicate in the wrong way. In this regard, if you have any suspicion, it is preferable to go to the gynecologist. Whenever a treatment is administered first it is necessary to diagnose the agent viral-bacterial or fungal causative. Thus, the usual approach in these cases is the local application of metronidazole or clindamycin, in the form of vaginal ova or cream; unlike candidiasis, where the infection is produced by yeast, and is treated with other types of drugs. To confuse vaginitis, therefore, results in a wrong treatment for bacterial vaginosis, similar symptoms but more intense and unpleasant.

Further info: Candida – Risk Factors, Signs And Treatment!

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