Learn How To Effectively Get Rid Of Blackheads With This Homemade Mask

How to effectively get rid of blackheads using natural ingredients? Prepare this homemade mask and eliminate them for good!

It is normal that our face is affected by certain imperfections. It is the part of our body that is most exposed to the whole environment. Besides that, some of us have oily skin, thus we suffer from occurrences of pimples, grains, blackheads, among others.

The most common places these imperfections appear are always the following: nose and its surroundings, forehead and chin. This is due to the production of bait and the infection of pores that are open, letting the facial imperfections take center stage in our faces.

Depending on the care we give to these imperfections they can be noticeable or not. Many try to hide them and others just try to use creams or products that are usually quite expensive for skin care.

However, they completely ignore the fact that there are remedies of natural origin to combat and eliminate these imperfections completely. But how to effectively get rid of blackheads and make sure they never reappear?

Natural tips how to effectively get rid of blackheads

Make your own natural mask by combining 1/2 cup of pineapple juice and two tablespoons of honey until you get a mixture. Apply the mask twice a week for 15 minutes. After that time, wash your face with warm water.

Combine aloe Vera, tomato and salt. Cut the tomato and mix it with the aloe Vera, then add the salt. This is a mask for exfoliation of black points. Apply on the most delicate parts of the face after you’ve washed it with warm water. Leave it act for 10 minutes and remove with cold water.

Mix rose water with corn flour. After the homogeneous mixture comes out, add lemon juice and sugar. Apply it on your face, leave it on for 5 or 10 minutes and remove with cold water.

Combine lemon juice with egg white. Apply it on face and leave it to act for 20 minutes. Apply twice a week.

Pour chamomile and rosemary into a bowl and add hot water to make an infusion. Place your face on the bowl and place a towel over your head. Receive the steam for 5 to 10 minutes.

With these simple natural remedies and tips you’ll learn how to effectively get rid of blackheads be and clean your face from imperfections.

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