Learn How To Improve Memory Retention Using These 6 Simple Tips

Do you want to know how to improve memory retention? You could do that by making slight changes in your diet. See what you need to do!

Nowadays, we live such busy lives and we barely leave time for ourselves. We need to go to too many places, do too many things and remember what we need to do tomorrow.

This remembering thing is not always functioning. You tend to forget your keys, names, faces and planned daily tasks. That’s when you notice that you need some kind of help to improve your memory.

Don’t reach out to pills immediately; check these 6 tricks that will help you maintain the memory in an optimal state. Learn how to improve memory retention and remember every bit of your day!

How to improve memory retention? – Using these 6 tricks

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids more often

Omega-3 fatty acids are fats which soothe inflammations and support the cognitive skills of the brain. Also, they promote healthy brain development. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are all kinds of fish (salmon, sardines, tuna) and fish oil, fax oil, pasture-raised meat, walnuts and wild rice.

Skip sugar

As much as you can, skip sugar intake. So, if there’s cake in the fridge, stay away from the fridge – don’t be the first one who eats it. Sugar can cause damage to the hippocampus which is the area responsible for learning and memory. Also, sugar may reduce the brain abilities and make you numb.

Avoid eating trans fats

In addition, what you need to avoid as well is trans fats. These are found in potato chips, crackers, fried foods, margarine, cookies and similar foods. Trans fats are actually oils which are mixed with hydrogen and are very high in hydrogen. They’re used for boosting shelf life of the previously mentioned products.

Start some physical activity

Indulge in some physical activity because it is essential for your body and brain. Being physically active will help your brain’s cognitive function.

Tip: Exercise Tips for Beginners

Increase vitamin B intake

B group vitamins are effective in lowering the risk of inflammation and are especially efficient in improving the brain function. So, eating more foods rich in vitamin B complex, B12, B6 and folic acid will help you out with this.

Consume whole food

Legumes, veggies, nuts and seeds are the best choice for improving your memory. Additionally, you’ll need to increase the intake of protein and lower the intake of carbohydrates. In this way, you’ll get high fiber amounts and antioxidants boosting the blood flow to the brain.