You Need A Solution For Cleansing The Lungs? Use This Concentrate And Purify The Lungs!

Cleansing the lungs, especially after smoking, can be a difficult task. Use this concentrate and purify your lungs naturally in 72 hours!

Our body has a special design to fight the bacteria that want to enter our organism. This fight and resistance is obtained through the immune system, which is in charge of leading the opposition and prevent bacteria, viruses and others from entering.

To achieve this, our defenses use different mechanisms; one of them is the production of mucus. There are two types of mucus. These are classified into two groups, and the first classification corresponds to nasal mucus, those produced by the nose.

The second group belongs to the phlegm; these are produced by the lungs. In addition this type appears when we have coughs, colds or infections. The function of mucus in the body is to absorb moisture, keep the lungs moist and protect the parts covered by it from bacteria, germs or external agents that wish to invade the body.

Today we will share with you a natural remedy that you can use for cleansing the lungs and respiratory tract. This recipe is especially for those who get very sick from the flu, as their lungs tend to accumulate larger toxic substances due to the constant attack of viruses.

It also benefits people who work in places where there is a lot of pollution and are prone to get infected with viruses. To achieve this, we will create a miracle drink. This natural drink serves to eliminate the excessive mucus that forms in the throat and lungs. You will be free of obstructions so that you can breathe freely and eliminate all the allergies caused by this type of problem. In addition your immune system will be stronger and will have better effect against the fight of the different types of viruses and bacteria. You’ll just have to prepare the following remedy which works in the most effective way for cleansing the lungs.

Remedy for cleansing the lungs


  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 1 glass of water
  • Avena (a little)

How to prepare it

Mix all the ingredients and put this mixture to boil for several minutes. Let it rest all night.

The next morning store it in a glass bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. The mixture can last all week.

Take at least 30ml in the mornings on an empty stomach. Do this for 30 days, rest for 15 days and then repeat for 40 days. You will begin to feel the results from the first 72 hours of the shot.

Read more: 8 Herbs As Home Remedies For Mucus Cough And Lungs Reparation

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