Treat Sore Throat Phlegm Cough And Bronchitis Naturally Using This!

Sore throat phlegm cough and bronchitis usually go hand in hand. Treat them naturally using this DIY remedy to help you out with that!

Variations in the weather unleash many diseases; the most common is the cold. This is because when the climate changes the microbes that walk in the environment increase.

And those who have weakened immune system are an easy prey of the bacteria that constantly want to enter our body. To prevent this from happening we must ingest nutrients that will strengthen our immune system and make it capable of withstanding any external threat.

There are other factors besides climatic variations that cause diseases, specifically respiratory diseases such as sore throat phlegm cough bronchitis, among others. Bronchitis appears due to inflammation of the ducts that carry air into the lungs.

The cough can be produced by inflammations and irritations in the respiratory tract, in most cases generates phlegm. What we want you to know when talking about all this is how to calm these symptoms and diseases.

There is a natural remedy capable of eliminating sore throat phlegm cough and bronchitis among other respiratory problems as if by magic. Swallowing this natural remedy several times a day will help you quickly eliminate all the symptoms of the flu or of a low immunity system defense. Here’s what you need to do to get there.

The recipe is composed of two ingredients, bananas and honey. Banana provides energy to the body and strengthens the immune system, plus contains antioxidants and minerals so that it increases the amount of folic acid, white and red blood cells. For its part, honey works as an antioxidant; it also strengthens the defense mechanisms and antibodies.

This combination allows the defenses to increase so the body can recover quickly. Learn the recipe and how to make this natural syrup, which can be your ally at any time.

Treat sore throat phlegm cough and bronchitis


  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • Two ripe bananas
  • 400ml of boiling water

How to prepare it?

Wash the bananas, then peel and mash them with a fork or spoon, made of wood if possible. Complete this process and add the bananas into boiling water and mix well to get integrated. Then, let it stand to cool and finally add the honey. If you like, you can leave it rest for 30 minutes before consuming it.

Ingest this remedy 4 times a day in doses of 100ml. You should warm it up before consuming it each time.

Read more: 8 Herbs As Home Remedies For Mucus Cough And Lungs Reparation

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