Can Being Constipated Make You Weigh More? Yes, See What You Can Do!

Can being constipated make you weigh more? Yes, and do you know why? Because fat and waste accumulate in your body! Eliminate them using this!

When we talk about losing weight, the first thing that comes to mind is diets, exercises and vegetables. While it is true that this helps us drop several pounds quickly, it is not what determines whether or not we lose weight.

What really influences how much weight we go down and how fast we do it is our metabolism. If our metabolism is slow, no matter what you do, the process of thinning will be slow too. That brings the question: can being constipated make you weigh more? Yes, because constipation can be caused by slow metabolic rate.

That is the reason why many people cannot lose weight, even if they last for weeks eating salad. Over time, your body begins to reject this food routine or ask for what you previously ate.

You must not forget that to lose weight, your body needs to get rid of toxins and harmful substances. The way your body uses is the evacuation, either through the urine or stool. That is precisely what this article is about. In it we will show you what you can do to avoid constipation and lose weight quickly.

Can being constipated make you weigh more? Yes, try this and you’ll see the results!

What you need:

  • Honey (2 tablespoons full)
  • Lemons (2 units)
  • Lemon oil (10 drops)
  • Mineral water (2 cups)
  • Ice (1 fist)

Preparation and use:

First, peel the lemons and extract all the juice from them. Now, pour all the ingredients in a blender (except ice). Liquefy them until you obtain a homogeneous substance. Subsequently, add the ice and re-liquefy. With that, your smoothie is ready for you to drink it.

It is recommended to take it every morning on an empty stomach for best results. The cold of the smoothie will cause your stomach to start burning fats and eliminating toxins. As a result, you will begin to evacuate regularly as anyone without constipation problems. In addition, you can get other health benefits, since its ingredients are natural.

Read more: See How To Maintain Weight Loss After Dieting Using A Natural Remedy!

Start drinking this drink today and you will feel its powerful effects. SHARE this article with all your friends who are asking the exact same question: can being constipated make you weigh more. Someone else could also benefit from it!